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ARISE is conducting a questionnaire-based study, with the aim to map and analyse the organisation of the healthcare centres managing SCD in in relation with accessibility and readiness of specific health technologies (i.e., blood transfusion service, Magnetic Resonance Imaging – MRI scanners, Transcranial Doppler – TCD devices).
This study will help us provide educational and training resources as well as context related information to support the adoption of best practices in SCD management.
To this end, three ad hoc questionnaires were developed to collect information about the technologies, their usage, available accessories and supplies, maintenance procedures, as well as staff and training.
Participation is completely voluntary.
Each questionnaire is designed for a specific role/area of expertise, so please complete them accordingly. If the questionnaire is not relevant or appropriate to your area of expertise, you can simply choose not to complete it.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

If you have any questions about the study, you can contact Ashel Dache Sunday or arisewp2@gmail.com.


Go to the questionnaire