Professor Baba Inusa has the pleasure to invite you to the Annual Scientific Conference on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia, 2020, an unprecedented year in a number of ways; firstly by working in collaboration with the European Heamatology Association (EHA) and the British Society of Haematology (BSH) to host this year’s conference; and also as a result of COVID-19 an online virtual programme of events will be held from 26th to 31st October with a face to face element in the final days, which due to the unpredictable nature of this pandemic means that these plans will need to be reviewed regularly.
This year’s conference may in time turn out to provide a new and improved forum to come together to share best practice and develop strategies for the future. The theme is ‘Haemoglobinopathies: Emerging Challenges and Future Therapies’, that reflects the rapid progress in research for new drug therapies and curative therapies; a number of FDA approvals and other national approval process are at different stages.
Considering that the majority of patients with Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia live in low resource settings, these new therapies may not be readily accessible or affordable. Therefore, our attention needs to be refocused to improve newborn screening and comprehensive care, hydroxyurea therapy, blood transfusion and effective iron chelation.
Register for the event here.
Discover more about the ASCAT meeting here.
It will be the occasion to join the Novartis Satellite Symposium. Discover more here.
Discover this year’s exciting new conference programme here below: